Massive turnout in Bolton for Yamaguchi Sensei
The event, held at Bolton One University, attracted a huge turnout for both courses on the evening and was a thoroughly enjoyable and enlightening experience for all students who participated.
As ever, Yamaguchi Sensei demonstrated why he is such an inspirational karateka and as such is in so much demand as an instructor. Both sessions saw Yamaguchi Sensei present training drills that only serve to improve everyone’s karate.
A highlight of the course was the Asai-ryu Kata Kakyoku Sandan which was taught nd then expertly demonstrated by Yamaguchi Sensei. The second session also focussed on some superb kumite techniques and drills to improve student’s effectiveness.
A big thank you to Paul and Racheal from Red Tiger for hosting the event.
There are lots more exciting courses and seminars in the diary for 2015. For all upcoming events please check the calendar.