Yet another fabulous black and brown belt training session in Nottingham
The fifth JKS England Black and Brown belt training session of 2014 took place on Sunday 28th September at Djanogly City Academy Sports Hall in Nottingham. Ninety students gathered for the two hour session which saw Alan Campbell 6th Dan accompanied on teaching duties by Mike Gude Sensei 5th Dan, Chief Instructor of Haxby Shotokan Karate Club.
Prior to the session beginning was a presentation made to JKS England by Steve Carless, on behalf of the Walsall Karate Dojo, of a cheque for £1200 to support the JKS England squad fund. The money was raised through members of the dojo completing a sponsored kick.
A thorough warm up was led by Andrew Jones Sensei 4th from Kaizen No-Michi in Grimsby before the group were split into two groups, Kyu grades and Dan Grades. Alan Sensei taught the Kyu grades for 1 hour and Mike Sensei led the Dan grade group before changing.
The sessions with Mike Sensei starting with pure kihon with a focus on the form and execution Kiba Dachi and Kokutsu Dachi in particular. Some very interesting exercises were introduced to help the form, the strengthening and the
execution of the techniques, leading into a very thought provoking version of heian shodan. The session finished with some excellent kihon ippon techniques using the two stances as a basis for take down techniques.
The session with Alan Sensei was completed in its entirety with the use of tubes. Those that have used tubes before know the all round benefit this kind of training has. For those that were new to it, it can be a real eye opener as to the strength of ones technique and core strength. The session started with smooth but fast kihon with a partner acting as an anchor for the tube. The session moved onto more advanced kumite techniques in groups of three which tested many of the participants.
Both sessions were extremely enjoyable but different and the feedback was superb from everyone afterwards.
Following the course Matt Price Sensei 6th Dan and National Head Coach led an Open Squad training session. These sessions are a great opportunity for anyone to improve their skills and knowledge of competition karate.
Also held on the day at the conclusion of the Black and Brown belt sessions was a re-take Dan grade examination for students who had to perform the kata element of the grading again. Congratulations to the following students who passed:
Johanul Kabir (JKS Loughborough)
Saffat Kabir (JKS Loughborough)
Mark Scott (JKS Brecon Senshi)
The sixth and final JKS England Black and Brown belt training session of 2014 is on November 9th in Nottingham.