Strong turnout for Black and Brown Belt Training
The third JKS England Black and Brown belt training session of 2014 took place on Sunday 25rd May at Djanogly City Academy Sports Hall in Nottingham.
Again the attendance was excellent with participants attending from across England and Wales.
The day commenced with the customary presentation of JKS Dan diplomas that had recently arrived from JKS HQ in Tokyo. They were presented by Head of JKS England Alan Campbell 6th Dan.
The training itself began with a thorough warm up and stretch led by Matt Stockham Sensei 4th Dan from JKS Wales. Alan Campbell Sensei then led the first half of the training session with Kihon exercises and the emphasis on the mental aspects of training. Importance of ''readiness' in training was the key message. The training then led onto some aspects of "pure" kihon and specifically the importance of timing in techniques. These were practiced individually and with partners who were encouraged to give quality feedback.
The second session saw the group split between Dan and Kyu grades with Alan Sensei continuing with the Kyu grades and their development towards the all important Shodan grading. Dan grades were treated to the kata Seipai, popular in Goju-Ryu and Shito-Ryu styles, led by Douglass Hunter Sensei 4th Dan from Newcastle. In addition to the kata itself participants were introduced to some different aspects of bunkai from the kata. Finally both Sensei switched groups with Alan Sensei leading the Dan grades through Kanku-Dai and some further Bunkai from kata. The training was a real treat for participants.
Following the course Matt Price Sensei 6th Dan and National Head Coach led an Open Squad training session. These sessions are a great opportunity for anyone to improve their skills and knowledge of competition karate.
Finally a big congratulations to the following two students who passed Shodan gradings on the course. Both students had to retake the kata element of the grading and the
improvement in standard was immense so well done to both.
Ben Peach (Walsall Karate Dojo)
Lee Schofield (Haxby Karate Club)
The next JKS England Black and Brown belt training session is on July 27th in Nottingham.