JKS England Sensei travel to Japan
On Thursday 27th November three senior JKS instructors, Alan Campbell Sensei, Matt Price Sensei and Steve Carless Sensei traveled to Tokyo, Japan. The main purpose of the trip was to train on the JKS international Seminar on 29th and 30th November at the prestigious dojo at Teikyo University karate club. The one week stay also allowed for participation in morning and evening training at the JKS Hombu dojo.
The international seminar saw JKS karateka gather from countries from around the world but also included branch heads from JKS dojos in Japan. Instruction was primarily from Kagawa Shihan but also included a session with Yamaguchi Sensei, Chief Instructor of the international department. The main focus of the seminar was Shotokan katas Kanku Dai, Jion, Empi and the Koten kata Kashu. Superb demonstrations were given by headquarters instructors Hajime Matsue and Saori Okamoto plus instructors course trainee Koji Arimoto.
Also included on the international seminar were examinations for dan grades as well as instructor, examiner and referee status. We are pleased to announce that Steve Carless Sensei successfully graded for 6th Dan under Kagawa Shihan.
The morning and evening training at Hombu dojo saw sessions with Senseis Inada, Makita, Matsue, Okamoto, Watanabe and Toyama. Every class brought something difference and the level of each instructor was simply superb.
The next visit to Japan for JKS England is the annual trip from January 24th to February 5th which takes in Kangeiko at Hombu dojo, plus evening training finishing off with some relaxation in the hot springs at the foothills of
Mt Fuji. The 2015 trip is now fully subscribed and organised. However, if you are a JKS England or Wales member and fancy attending the 2016 trip, please contact Alan Campbell Sensei.